It's nice just talking about life and the love that makes it wonderful.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Getting over a break-up is never this easy!

by: Ronald S. Habana

Breaking up is hard to do, but getting over with it is even harder. Most people would advice a person who's suffering a break-up to just let it pass by and have fun; shake it all off and treat her/himself with a day off but it is most likely these things that make the situation even harder to forget. Our hearts were never built for instant recovery, it is best to let the healing part to take some time.

1. Let yourself be drowned by the gallons of tears that you poured even for a day. This may be a cliche but "IT IS OKAY TO CRY". Some people who's suffering from a breakup tend to lock themselves up in their room just to spend the rest of the day weeping and others would feel bad and angry towards themselves but its is all good. These are all part of the process; crying and letting all the hard feelings out of your system helps you recover by accepting what you have done and that it is painful. Just always remember that whether it is your fault or not, any regrets would have you end up in confusion and in an even harder state.

2. After giving yourself time to cry (which by the way has no limits whether a day, a month or even a year for only you could decide whether you have already let it all out) and after spending this times alone with your own space, it is now the time to talk to your loved ones; friends and family. You should know that you're not alone and that you are being loved by the people that surrounds you. Your friends and family are there to give the right amount of comfort and empathy.

3. LOVE yourself! Be fit! Exercise! Let go and be happy! After being miserable and after depriving yourself with happiness, it is now time to regain it all back. Choose a sport, be creative, find time to go to the gym or salon. Make yourself busy with your body being fit, your mind being cleansed and your heart being healed.

Yes it is never easy getting over with break-ups but if you'll find time to do these things the right way and if you have the right attitude of coping with it then you'll find it as easy as one, two and three. Anyways, there are a lot of fish in the sea to cry over one.

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