Saturday, July 10, 2010
Being With Real Friends
Friday, June 11, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
If it's too late
The nature is peaceful and beautiful before. What happened now? It's been a long battle for everyone to fight against the nature. Some says, global warming is here on earth. I believe it is true.
As a human being, I can feel it. The heat is really tremendous. It's really different from the heat before. Can't you feel it?
As a viewer of the internal world, I can see it. We really need to do something. Do you think that the earthquakes are not enough to make you change your way?
As a listener of peace, I can hear the screams of the world. Can't you hear the cry of the animals in the forest during wildfires?
As a person who wants to smell the good odors, I can smell the dead on the ground. Many people died because of accidents. Soon, the world will be a cemetery.
This post aims to fight against global warming. When will you participate? If it's too late?
Global Warming: An Invention For A Cause

Global Warming is a threat that endangers not only mankind but everything thing on earth. It is the result of a normal climactic swing in the direction of increased temperature. We experience global warming here in the Philippines, the change of weather, the El NiƱo that gradually destroys our economy. But what is the cause of global warming? It’s the smoke from our vehicles, the CFCs, the burning of plastics and many more. The environment where we live is part of the nature, which we borrowed from the Creator, who expects us to value and take good care of them. So what are we doing to prevent global warming?
The latest invention of Guy Negre aims to lessen the use of petroleum gas in the world which will help prevent global warming. Guy Negre is the founder and CEO of Motor Development International (MDI SA) based in Luxemburg, he is a former aeronautics and formula one engineer. He invented a compressed air technology for cars; the Airpod, it is a small four-wheel mini car that uses compressed air to move pistons in a 5.45 hp internal combustion engine. This small motor compresses air to make the tank full and lessen your purchase of petroleum gas. And the good thing about this invention, except the fact that it helps prevent global warming, is that it can be plugged into an electrical outlet for recharging.
I think the only thing that hinders the promotion of the Airpod especially on the third world countries like the Philippines is that, they can’t afford to pay for the manufacturing rights of the Airpod plus, not everyone in the country can purchase that, so the main problem is the price.
Other countries started to use and promote the Airpod. Buying this invention will not just lessen your expenses, when it comes to buying petroleum gases, but you can help too in the prevention of global warming. Think of how many vehicles, that uses petroleum gas are there in the world, how will it affects our environment? And imagine if every vehicles here in the world is airpod, zero emissions, clean air.
Just A Woman? or A Woman!

A Woman…………………………………
They’re the most understanding creatures in the world that has many advices, a tearful one, kind-hearted and a sensitive one. They give colors to the world, the loving one.
A Woman………………………………….
Once slave by men but now tougher than men. They were abused, battered, and degraded but still stand and fight for dear lives. They were once mute, taken for granted, their opinions were not heard but now they were the ones who are talking and everybody’s listening.
A Woman…………………………………
They must be respected, loved and cared. Their views, ideas and opinions are good as yours so it must be heard. They are created by God equally with men. They are made by God with purpose so let their purpose be served.
Where's My Happy Ending?

………………..And they live happily ever after……………………..
I always believe in fairytales, stories with happy ending. I always imagine myself as the lead character of the story, that even suffering from pain, heartache, torture, or maltreatment shall I say, will definitely be happy in the end because she was saved by her prince charming or his knight and shining armor…….. Who will love her forever?
………..That was me when I was a child…….innocent, idealistic, and vulnerable until I experienced two consecutive heartaches, with my first two only Boos. You can’t blame me if my belief turns 180 degrees. Long-term relationship or short-term prove me that my own story is one of the fairytales. I’ve read “life is sometimes ironic”…….you doesn’t get what you hope for instead you get the worst. How can be life so cruel and rude? Why they say love is forever when nothing remains permanent and constant. Why we experience heartaches and pains when your only goal is to unconditionally love someone………
………………….Now tell me……should I still believe in fairytales?????????????Till when will I want??????????????????WHERE IS MY HAPPY ENDING???????????

by: Fevie Liel F. Payuyao
Have you ever wonder what was the earth looked like billion years ago? Greener forest and mountains, cleaner rivers, fresher air to breath-in, wholly pollution-free environment---Earth ,then, might be a much homey place to live in which is way to far from what it is right now. Each day, the bad effects of erroneous human actions are clearly felt. Climate change caused by global warming is one of the detrimental effects that the world is facing to. Sudden switch of the climate or the weather are getting confusing and giving a hard time for many living things to adapt. As we notice, when rainy days came, so much amount of water fall causing ravaging floods while during summer the grilling temperature causes massive drought.

By; Fevie Liel F. Payuyao
Did you already forget
Those times that I won't regret
You became a friend
Someone I could depend
Have i already told you
How much I value you?
A timid angel,
Who never let me frail
You're like my lighthouse somewhere else
Keeping me from crashing on rocks
during my stormy nights
Grateful, the day you came
Someone who treat me as gem
Nothing's left to say,
I love Sports Anime'

I've been hooked with Anime' programs since I was in Elementary. My classmates introduced me to this tv addiction and I can't get rid of this programs. I'm a weak person when I was small, I'm thin, and some of my friends harm me. That's maybe the reason why i like watching Anime' shows. Some stories are like mine.
Few years after. I'm still thin, but I believe I'm not weak anymore. I used to play different sports when I was in grade 6 until today. I know how to play basketball, table tennis, and badminton. I watch boxing, lawn tennis, car racing tournaments on tv. In short, I love sports, and I love Anime. So, when there are sports Anime' on tv, I watch them happily and I enjoy it.
There are lots of sport Animes nowadays. Here are the few list of sports Anime' programs on the Philippine local channels: Prince of Tennis, Knock-Out, Striker Hungry Heart, Dear Boys, Eyeshield 21, Slamdunk, Capeta, Initial D, Buzzer Beater, Hikaru No Go, and many more.
You may visit the following site where I got the pictures on my blog:
You can suggest me some Anime' sites. I want to visit more sites as possible. Thank you for reading.
(A Book Review) By: Fevie Liel F. Payuyao

With 11 million copies sold, indubitably, this enlightening masterpiece of the author Rick Warren, became one of the most sought-after book. Here's a genius book filled with soul-stirring wisdom, biblical insights, inspirational poems and verses that could traverse one's life.
The book is about sharing God's words and making someone to realize his worth or purpose on Earth. I think what makes this book a best-seller is its magic on communicating to the readers. In fact, inside it, there is this contract-signing-like page saying that one must read the book continuously in 40-days ( 1 chapter a day) for him to reflect better from the message of every chapter.
From the first chapter up to the last are packed with spiritual insights and witty explanations that could make one anticipate his purpose as God created Him.
I also thought that this book is also good for those who are still on search to God since the book's content is truly enlightening.
Among all the chapters of this 334 pages book, I love the most, "The Reasons for Everything", "Accepting Your Assignment", and "Living with Purpose", because these are the parts that I felt as if it was God directly talking to me. So i would conclude that Rick Warren really did a great job in this book, The Purpose-Driven Life.
Friday, March 19, 2010
(One of my mother's favorite songs)
It is she who always make sure I'm safe beyond 10 PM, who always prepare me dinner even if it's twelve midnight. She who gives me a cake when everyone gives me fancy gifts and expensive things. It is she who drives me nuts at her corniest jokes, she who trusts in me even I do things beyond her words. It is she who scolds at me every time I do wrong and she who comforts me after all is said and done.
She always cracks me up when she acts cool in front of my friends, when she does her little mistakes and when she does her craziest laugh. It will break my heart if I will ever see her cry but I'm sure it is she who will die a little bit at my every hurting.
It is she who supports me at my every steps in life but it is she who'd rather criticize my works than to say it's perfect! Though she never considered me as the best, I always see her being the proudest of all my beloved. It is she who's always fair in treating us, her children; even if it's only me or it is only my brother, for her it is always "us".
I rarely say "I Love You" to her, though I know that she feels it even at the subtlest way. I too don't hear a lot of i love you's from her but inside our hearts are overwhelmed by the selfless love that transcends from her. No one could ever replace her and no amount of love could ever fill in for her's.
I LOVE YOU MOMMY! That's all I have for words.
The Mother

The wife told his husband about the good news - she's pregnant! Her husband was so excited about what happened. He makes sure that their first baby will be a healthy child. He never let his wife to carry heavy loads. He gave her what she requests. She take good care of his wife.
Eight months and three weeks have passed. Anytime of the week, the woman will gave birth into their first baby. At the night of the peaceful Sunday, the couple have a conversation while on bed.
"What do you want to be our first baby, hon?" the woman asked.
"I want to have a baby boy, so that he will help me in our business someday," the man answered.
While they were having the conversation, an unexpected incident occurred. The surroundings is slowly shaking. The whole place is shaking. Until the walls get cracked and fell on the bed.
The woman screams, "No!" The husband immediately cover his wife. The pointed rock was pinned into the man's body. Bloods are slowly flowing from the man's back.
With what happened, she don't know what to do. A painful feeling on the her womb is starting. The blood flows on her legs. She needs to go to the hospital but no one is there to respond. Her husband is dead.
What happened next? I will let you think of it.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
When our group decided to post articles in this blog about the love for God, I didn't do, because I want my tenth and last entry for this blog be a tribute to God.
I am very grateful and thankful of the life that HE has gave me. I am very thankful of all the blessing HE has given me, my family, my loving parents, my friends, the talents, every thing. I give praise to HIM who made me, I give praise to HIM who breathed life to me.
I once doubted HIS powers when my family was once faced in a big problem, so big that even my studies was put to danger, and my parents were even put into test. I doubted HIM, I questioned HIM why is HE doing such things to us. I asked HIM why us, why give such problems to us. We pray, we go to church, we give praise to HIM, and yet, HE lets us down. I once doubted HIM.
But when I realized that HE is just giving this kind of problem to our family to make our bond even stronger and our faith for HIM become even more stronger, I immediately asked for HIM to forgive me for asking and doubting HIM. I prayed. I asked HIM to forgive me. And I know that HE already has forgiven me.
From that point of my life when I once asked and doubted what God can do, I realized how great HIS love for us, his children is. And I regret what I did, doubting HIM and asking HIM why he did such things to me.
God is good. God is good all the time.
HE never sleeps and HE never forget to look after us. HE never wants us to be in danger. HE cares for us. HE gives us blessings.
We are all lucky to be alive. We are all lucky to have all the blessings in life and we are all lucky to have a loving God who never takes his eyes away from us just to keep us safe all the time.
We have all the blessings in life and HE is the one who gave it to us.
It is up to us how to give thanks to HIM. It is all up to us if we will give value to the things HE gives us.
All I can say is that GOD loves us. GOD cares for us. And GOD is always on our side.
There's this girl whom I really like, I really admire and I really want. I love the way she walks, the way she talks, I love everything about her.
Soft spoken, kind, well-mannered, all the right attitude for an ideal girlfriend, I think, it is all in her.
She got me so mesmerized. She got me so high. She got me so hypnotized as Akon's song said. She's like a drug to me that she gets me day dreaming and got me walking on the moon. I think, I am really in love with her.
But how can I tell her what I feel if I don't have the strength to face her and tell her what I really feel about her. Every time I see her, it's as if my heart beats more than a hundred times per second, I really get nervous every time I saw her pretty face.
How can I tell her I love her? When I, myself don't have the strength at all?
Maybe sooner or later, i will have the strength and the courage to tell her what I want to say. Maybe a year or two, I will have the guts to tell her I love her. And maybe, when that time comes, she's ready to accept what I really feel for her.
I know I don't stand a chance and I know she won't even give me one, but I am telling all of you, I don't care if she doesn't like me, I don't care if she won't even give a little care for me and I don't care if she'll just ignore me and laugh at me, what matters most is that I love her and I am not looking for her to give me something in return, I don't care at all, what matters most is that I do things for her and it is all because I love her.
It is okay for me if I get hurt with what I do, consider me a martyr, consider me crazy, as long as I make her feel that my love for her is true, as long as i make her feel that what I feel for her is real and as long as I make her realize that my love for her is immeasurable, it is okay for me.
I really love her. I really admire her. I really like her. And I really want her.
But for know, I am content of just looking at her lovely face, making her laugh and secretly doing things that can make her happy.
My love for this girl is immeasurable.
Monday, March 15, 2010
A gloomy afternoon
An hour and a half past and alas footsteps sounded; closer and closer it walked towards the bench, towards the lady, the lady who waited long enough to see this man again. He was tall and built though his face looked so much younger and light, she was little though a mark of maturity stood out from her face. He knelt facing the lady who's eyes were pinned to the piece of paper she was holding. "You waited" the man said with such light in his eyes. At that moment she remembered, all of it went to her head once again.
I was thirteen then, you were only eleven but we made so much fun as if we were on the same age. Since then we were inseparable, you and I as best friends. You were always there even if time made us part. Then that friendship turned into something deeper. We started seeing each other in a different manner. Yes, it was never official but together we cherished our own bright sunny days. It was then when I realized that I was blinded by all of it. I didn't see the dark cloudy days. I wasn't sure of you. I wasn't sure if you're still that boy whom I met long ago, my best friend or are you the man now that I wanted to share my forever with.
I remember that gloomy afternoon. You sent me a message. You asked me to wait for you, wait for that day and then you'll be the man that I wanted you to be. I was enraged, my pride took a downfall. I got angry. After months of your silence, when I was always there desperately hoping that you would come back, you'll just pop out of the blue just to tell me to wait? How immature? You haven't change a thing.
The lady stood, handed the letter to the man and then she walked away with tears falling from her eyes. The man almost petrified, he did not even took the chance to reach out for his lady. He looked at the letter instead and read. I waited because I wanted to move on. You're the only one who completes me but at the same time you complicate me. Goodbye. He stood there his head down while thoughts swim in his head.
You don't know how much I missed you even to the point of death. I wanted to be a better man not because you told me so. I wanted it myself. I wanted to prove to you that I was and always have been the man that you wanted me to be. He pulled a box from his pocket and opened it. It was the shiniest diamond ring but it was too late as the lady was nowhere to be seen.
The End.
Dedicated to Mariz. Thank you for sharing me your "complicated" love story. I hope someday you'll find that one man whom you will share your forever with. =)
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Keep Mother Earth Happy

By: Manuel D. Cinco
Global Warming, indeed, it is the worst thing happening in our planet. Slowly, Earth is getting the sufferings of manmade problems tah led to this destructive phenomena.
Sooner or later, not only animals will feel the destructive effects of it, we, humans wil definitely feel it, in a great manner.
Nowadays, we can say that Global Warming is affecting our daily lives. But as time goes by, the effects coild get even worse, and that is all because of what we've done, our being relentless and careless about nature.
The things that can destroy the planet and can lead us to great danger was made by us. We all contibute to the destruction of our home, Planet Earth.
We've seen how Mother Nature turns wild and get back at us. Natural disasters that destroyed porperties and killed many lives. It is like Mother Nature is getting her revenge against us, humans who failed to keep her happy because of our happy-go-lucky attitude that we don't even pay attention to the damage that we have done to the planet.
Is it too late to keep Mother Earth happy?
Of course no, it is never too late.
As long as we realize our own faults and start making our mistakes go the other way around and make the right things, even in our own little way of saving Mother Nature, we can keep her happy, and as well as save her from destruction and save every one of us from the dangers of Mother Nature's wrath.
It is never too late, let us start making the right things to save Planet Earth, let us take part in saving this planet, let us all step up to keep Mother Nature happy.
Start loving our planet.
Start loving our only home.
And start making Mother Nature happy.
Save, Conserve, Recycle and love nature.
photo credits:
Friday, March 12, 2010

By: Manuel D. Cinco
I am not a gay, but I've gotta admit, I really admire and love this man.
His humble personality, the soft spoken manner and the hardworking attitude, these are all the traits of a true legend, a sports icon that deserves all the accolades that he gets.
From the start of his rise to super stardom until his way to being legendary, I've never missed any of Manny Pacquiao's fight. It is really a joy in the eyes to see this furious Pinoy pummel and hammer his opponents.
And despite his being famous, he remained as humble as he was when he started. Isn't that amazing?
As many experts said, some superstars tend to be boastful once they get all the limelight they can get, but the Pacman is different, every time he has a victory, he shares it with the Filipino people and offers it to God Almighty, a true mark of a Filipino Warrior.
Though I witnessed some of his down turns and defeats, I still believe this man. There's no word that can explain my admiration to him and to his working traits, really unbelievable fearless and tireless.
He shared every victory with his countrymen, shared even a little of his wealth to those in need, made his presence felt at times of challenge and served as inspiration to many young Filipino.
There's no exact word nor any phrase that I, myself, can use to express how I idolize this Pinoy slugger.
I really love this man I even started collecting DVD's of his previous fights and as well as his t-shirts too. I even have his songs in my music player.
I've got to agree with what Pacquiao's promoter, Bob Arum said, Manny is the greatest fighter ever lived in this planet, and he truly is, even Floyd Mayweather, the best American boxer and the former pound for pound king who was scheduled to fight Pacman find a way to escape the vicious and burning fists of Pacquiao.
The best boxer at his time, a legend in the future and a Hall Of Famer, and a Filipino.
He's the best.
I'll be his number one fan until the time comes that he hangs up those gloves and retires his legendary fists.
And I've got to say, even a hundred times, I LOVE THE PACMAN!
photo credits:
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Nature, Love it. Care for it. Save it.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
A tribute to Women
According to Proclamation No. 224, “Declaring the First Week of March of Every Year as Women’s Week and March 8, 1988 and Every Year Thereafter as Women’s Rights and International Peace Day.” Signed by former President Corazon C. Aquino on March 1, 1988, it affirmed our solidarity with the United Nations and recognized Filipino women’s contribution in the struggle for national independence, civil liberties , equality and human rights. (
Since then, the love blogs theme for this week is all about women. We, the love-blog team will give you touching stories about women; share our unforgettable memories with our beloved girls: mothers, grandmothers, relatives, friends, sweethearts, darlings, children, etc; we will also feature some stories about the most popular and influential women in the country.
We hope that you will enjoy viewing our site and reading our blogs. You may also share your personal experiences with your favorite girl in the world by posting your comments here. Thank you.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Faith and Doubt
love for country
Wondering if you really love the Philippines? Answer these questions to know. Just give it a “YES” or “NO”
1. Do you know the leaders in the Philippines?
2. Are you aware of the news concerning the Philippines?
3. Do you get irritated when someone treats the Filipinos like nothing significant?
4. Are you proud of those Filipinos who take home pride and honor in the country?
5. Do you love your fellow Filipinos?
6. Are you hurt when you hear the news that an OFW has been killed abroad?
8. Are you a responsible citizen?
These are just eight questions that will measure your love for the Philippines. Does your answer all YES or all NO? Show your love for the country. Start now
love for GOD
We are aware that LOVE is caring, protecting, understanding, giving, accepting, etc. When we LOVE we are happy and contented like the saying goes LOVE makes the world go round. Here’s the meaning of LOVE from the bible, “1 Corinthians 13, 4-8”
“LOVE suffers long and is kind; LOVE does not envy; LOVE does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
Does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
Does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
LOVE never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.”
LOVE is the best ingredient of living in peace and harmony. Live by the bible, live by the words of God.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
He is my Shadow
The Lord is like my Shadow.
He is always on my side.
He never leaves me.
He always care for me.
God is like my Shadow.
He back-ups me when I'm in trouble.
He entertains me when I'm sad.
And He knows me-inside-out.
But just like my shadow,
I can't notice Him regularly.
because sometimes, i forgot that
I have a shadow and God as well.
I keep my problems alone,
and always stays at home.
Now I want to change it,
And start to make good deed.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
bestfriend issue

by: Geraldine Miciano
Chloe Smith is a lovely girl with a golden heart. At her young age, 8 she has an extraordinary abnormality in her body, she is prone to sickness. She can’t play, talk so long, and walk so long, even read for long because she might collapse and eventually suffer from pain. Her parents love her so much, Chloe is their only child. Although rich they can’t buy the cure for Chloe’s sickness because it has no cure at all.
Chloe loves reading books, like other kids other kids she’s studying but she is doing it at home with her personal teacher. Since she’s not coming in school she has no classmate and friends, although she considers their maids her friends together with her parents and cousins who frequently visits her at home. Chloe is looking for a different friend, a special one, whom she can laugh and cry with, whom she can tell all her secrets with, who will make her confident when she feel like quitting because of her abnormality, someone she can call her bestfriend.
After years of waiting, when Chloe is near quitting, she reflected and thought that the one she’s waiting has been with her since then. Someone she trust, who knows everything about her and who makes her confident. She discovered that herself is her bestfriend, who has all the qualities she’s looking for.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I’m proud to be a Filipino and I love this country. No matter how the others underestimate us, I’d still believe on the wealth and honor of our beloved fatherland.Here are just few of the things you can enjoy ONLY HERE IN THE PHILIPPINES.
ADOBO. The national viand in the Philippines. One of the mouth-watering dishes in the universe. Swear! But aside from this, we can’t also turn down our native Bicol Express, Sisig, Pinakbet, etc. Oops! There’s more! Filipinos also love exotic foods like fried frogs.
HOSPITABLE AND OPTIMISTIC PEOPLE. Despite of the snowballing obstacles and problems that this country is facing to, Filipinos remains one of the happiest people on Earth. They could still smile amidst of storms. They are also known as hospitable and friendly.
BEAUTIFUL TOURIST SPOTS. When God spread beauty in the whole world, Philippines got more than of its fair share. We got many dazzling tourist spots like the Underground River, Mount Mayon, Mount Taal, Hundred Islands and Boracay.
The things I’ve mentioned are not even half of the nicest things in our country. But the simplest explanation why I love Philippines is that---I WAS BORN NO WHERE BUT HERE.
Monday, February 22, 2010
(short story by:Fevie Liel Payuyao)

When she went down the stairs, Cecile, her older sister, was already waiting for her. No one in the family got a clue if why or what an eight years old little girl would be excited for on Valentines Day.
Ushered by her sister, Megan appeared in the park wherein everybody seemed to be wearing in uniform hue-RED, but of course. With an astounding excitement, she patiently scanned the people around. Few more steps, at last, her eyes caught the man-of-her-dreams and all of a sudden her heart started to do cartwheel.
Neglecting about her age, Megan made-up into her mind that today would be the perfect day to confess about her feelings to Paul. But God had other plan. Paul, who was so sweet as ever, approached them and gave a bunch of red roses to Cecile. Now it was clear to Megan why Paul told her last night on the phone to bring Cecile with her.
The two were now sitting on the nearby bench while the set-aside Megan remained stiff from where she was standing. Her first romance ended at an early hour. Appalled, she ran-away and weeps from a distance.
After a couple of minutes, someone sat beside her and offered her an ice cream. With so much shame, Megan didn’t looked-up instead vowed more her head to hide her wet face. But she accepted the ice cream and in returned, she gave the gift to the stranger which was supposed to be for Paul. The man, who was about ten years older to her, asked why she was crying. With her swollen eyes, she told him that her heart was painful and so bleeding too because of her shattered first love. The stranger laughed-out-loud and told her that it was just a puppy love. Apparently, Megan cried even louder.
“Stop crying. When you grow-up, I promise to marry you or at least someone I wanted for you would do it for me,” he uttered before he left her.
After very tedious years, Megan, a full-bloomed lady now, already moved-on from her embarrassing young love. After all, she already accepted the fact that it was her sister and Paul who were meant to be. No hatred left, she swears.
In fact, just last month, she found the new love of her life.
While waiting for Vince inside the car, she sighted a very familiar box from a corner which made her heart beat faster. When he finally came, Megan couldn’t believe what she saw on Vince’s right hand. It was exactly the customized bracelet she was supposed to give to Paul that she also later gave to a stranger. She couldn’t be wrong.
“Where did you get it?”Megan asked. Vince just smiled and whispered, “Believe it or not, I’ve got it from you.”
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Ako Ay Pilipino, Sa Isip, Sa Salita at Sa Gawa
Dahil ang ating paksa ay tungkol sa pagmamahal sa ating bansa, hayaan niyo na ako ay magsalita ng ating pambansang wika, ang wikang Tagalog, dahil hindi naman maganda kung ang paksa natin ngayong linggo ay tungkol nga sa pagiging makabayan ngunit ang ating gagamiting salita ay wikang banyaga.
Paano nga ba masusukat ang pagmamahal sa sariling bayan?
Para sa akin, ang mga sumusunod ay sapa na upang masabi kong ako ay makabayan, hindi lamang sa aking mga sinusuot, kung hindi na rin sa aking ginagawa, iniisip at winiwika:
Una, makabayan ako kapag kahit na mismong maliit na alituntunin ay aking nasusunod.
Pangalawa, hangga't maaari ay iniiwasan kong magsalota ng ingles, hangga't maaari ay wikang tagalog ang aking binibigkas.
Pangatlo, sa paggalang sa ating watawat at sa pagbibigay pugay sa ating pambansang awit, sa panahon ngayon, maraming kabataan na ang nakalimot ng ating pambansang awit, malamang, kapag tinanong mo sila, ang sasabihin nilang pamagat ng kanta ay Bayang Magiliw.
Pang-apat, sa pagsasabuhay ng mga kaugaliang Pilipino na nagpapakita ng pagiging masipag, masinop at kaaya-aya. Iniiwasan kong maging ningas kugon at maging utak talangka. Paano nga ka nga naman magiging mapagmahal sa iyong bansa kung mismong kababayan mong umuunlad ay pipigilan mo at hahatakin pababa.
Pang-lima, ang pagsuporta sa sariling atin. Hindi lamang sa mga produktong gawa sa Pilipinas, kung hindi na rin sa mga Pilipinong nagbibigay sa ating bansa ng karangalan sa kahit na ano pa mang larangan.
At panghuli, dapat ay ating tandaan na ang pagiging makabayan ay hindi lamang nakikita sa mga kasuotan, sa musikang pinapakinggan, ang pagiging makabayan ay nakikita sa pang-araw araw na pamumuhay, kung paano natin pahalagahan ang bawat isa at kung paano natin tulungan ang bawat isa, at ang huli ay kung paano natin isabuhay ang mga kaugaliang Pilipino na ating ipagmamalaki kahit saan mang panig ng mundo.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Who is the presidentiable that really loves his country? (profile reviews)
The campaign period has already started. Nine names are on the list for presidential slot. Nine names that claimed that they showed their love for the Philippines. But the question is... Who is the presidential candidate that really loves his country?
Noynoy Aquino. "I will not be a thief!" a statement that shows his love for the country.
JC Delos Reyes. He wrote an article 'Servant Mothers Humble Nation-Builders.' Its an evidence that he is centered on solving family problems of the country.
Erap Estrada. Since he was a former president, we already knew how big his love for the country and it doubles because he is running again for the same position.
Dick Gordon. “My name is Dick, but I’m not a ‘tator’, a statement that says that he won't be inferior to everyone. He loves his countrymen and never thinks his a boss.
Jamby Madrigal. She is the only lady who will run for president. She courageously attacks her male opponents using her thoughts and facts, but it ruins the situation.
Nick Perlas. He shows his love to our country by keeping the environment clean and green.
Gibo Teodoro. Gibo has a mischievous humor and loves to chat with people. It means that he will solve the problems of the country by listening.
Bro. Eddie Villanueva. A servant of God that promotes peace for the country.
Manny Villar. His political advertisements centers on solving the poverty. It shows that he really loves the low-profile Filipinos.
*After reading this short profile review, you may conclude who is the presidentiable that really loves his country.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Love Our Own!
Let me start off with these lines from a classic patriotic song... "Ang bayan ko'y tanging ikaw, Pilipinas kong Mahal..." A great song composed by the great Francisco Santiago who's the Father of Kundiman. A heartfelt song to show love for our native country, but is this century-old song still reflects the perception of the Filipinos to its nation nowadays? As time went by and as our land became such interest of colonialism to such big countries, our minds as Filipinos were influenced by these strong cultures to such point that we forget our own.
Much to our disappointment, many are still being influenced by other cultures specially the Western as we are, now in the 20th century being called as such "westernized people". Its a shame that we Filipinos are finding such hard time to love our own, while many (surprisingly) foreign people are finding our culture interesting that they are being driven to study and live in our own native lands.
Yes, there is a great number of Filipinos who are being influenced by these widely patronized culture but in many ways there are still proud and genuine Pinoys who are not afraid to shout out that they are Filipinos and that they have and will always LOVE our own.