It's nice just talking about life and the love that makes it wonderful.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Being With Real Friends

Geraldine H. Miciano

Being with real friends,
you don't have to pretend,,

you don't have to be beautiful
every time,,,

you don't have to show only your
good side,,,

funny how things goes
with real friends,,,

no plans, but perfect

no sweet talks but
you know they care,,,

no ilove yous but
you know they love you,,,

love being with them!!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010


Monday, March 22, 2010

Have I Already Told you?
By: Fevie Liel F. Payuyao
A friend, a chaperon, a lawyer, a nurse, a mentor, a chef, a cheerer, a savior, an angel-put a little bit of them together made-up a MOTHER.
Have I already say "thank you" as you bore me in your womb for tedious nine months and then succesfully surpassing all the pain when you gave birth to me? How grateful I am knowing that it was you who had witnessed my very first cry, first smile and first steps!
Have I already praised your undying patience teaching me my first ABCs and 123s? I was just too blessed having you beside me during those embarrasing moments that I couldn't defend myself fom the bullies at school.
Have i already told you that I love every dishes you cook for the family especially "sinigang" and "adobo"? How could i forget one time when you missed your dinner just because you gave your share to me.
Have I already apologize for all the cranky and bad things I did that disappointed you? Iappreciated all your diciplinary acts such as those little pinches.
Have i already told you how much i adore and idolized you? You're a refined woman of dignity, intelligence, humility, humour, and who has a benevolent heart.
Have i already told you how lucky i am for having you? I don't believe that angels can only be found in heaven because if that so, what would be one like you doing here?
For many years you spend your life for me, now i wonder,
Have I already told you that I love you so?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

If it's too late

by: Arnie Dela Mata

The nature is peaceful and beautiful before. What happened now? It's been a long battle for everyone to fight against the nature. Some says, global warming is here on earth. I believe it is true.

As a human being, I can feel it. The heat is really tremendous. It's really different from the heat before. Can't you feel it?
As a viewer of the internal world, I can see it. We really need to do something. Do you think that the earthquakes are not enough to make you change your way?
As a listener of peace, I can hear the screams of the world. Can't you hear the cry of the animals in the forest during wildfires?
As a person who wants to smell the good odors, I can smell the dead on the ground. Many people died because of accidents. Soon, the world will be a cemetery.

This post aims to fight against global warming. When will you participate? If it's too late?

Global Warming: An Invention For A Cause

by: Geraldine Miciano

Global Warming is a threat that endangers not only mankind but everything thing on earth. It is the result of a normal climactic swing in the direction of increased temperature. We experience global warming here in the Philippines, the change of weather, the El Niño that gradually destroys our economy. But what is the cause of global warming? It’s the smoke from our vehicles, the CFCs, the burning of plastics and many more. The environment where we live is part of the nature, which we borrowed from the Creator, who expects us to value and take good care of them. So what are we doing to prevent global warming?

The latest invention of Guy Negre aims to lessen the use of petroleum gas in the world which will help prevent global warming. Guy Negre is the founder and CEO of Motor Development International (MDI SA) based in Luxemburg, he is a former aeronautics and formula one engineer. He invented a compressed air technology for cars; the Airpod, it is a small four-wheel mini car that uses compressed air to move pistons in a 5.45 hp internal combustion engine. This small motor compresses air to make the tank full and lessen your purchase of petroleum gas. And the good thing about this invention, except the fact that it helps prevent global warming, is that it can be plugged into an electrical outlet for recharging.

I think the only thing that hinders the promotion of the Airpod especially on the third world countries like the Philippines is that, they can’t afford to pay for the manufacturing rights of the Airpod plus, not everyone in the country can purchase that, so the main problem is the price.

Other countries started to use and promote the Airpod. Buying this invention will not just lessen your expenses, when it comes to buying petroleum gases, but you can help too in the prevention of global warming. Think of how many vehicles, that uses petroleum gas are there in the world, how will it affects our environment? And imagine if every vehicles here in the world is airpod, zero emissions, clean air.

Just A Woman? or A Woman!

by: Geraldine Miciano

A Woman…………………………………

They’re the most understanding creatures in the world that has many advices, a tearful one, kind-hearted and a sensitive one. They give colors to the world, the loving one.

A Woman………………………………….

Once slave by men but now tougher than men. They were abused, battered, and degraded but still stand and fight for dear lives. They were once mute, taken for granted, their opinions were not heard but now they were the ones who are talking and everybody’s listening.

A Woman…………………………………

They must be respected, loved and cared. Their views, ideas and opinions are good as yours so it must be heard. They are created by God equally with men. They are made by God with purpose so let their purpose be served.

Where's My Happy Ending?

by: Geraldine Miciano

………………..And they live happily ever after……………………..

I always believe in fairytales, stories with happy ending. I always imagine myself as the lead character of the story, that even suffering from pain, heartache, torture, or maltreatment shall I say, will definitely be happy in the end because she was saved by her prince charming or his knight and shining armor…….. Who will love her forever?

………..That was me when I was a child…….innocent, idealistic, and vulnerable until I experienced two consecutive heartaches, with my first two only Boos. You can’t blame me if my belief turns 180 degrees. Long-term relationship or short-term prove me that my own story is one of the fairytales. I’ve read “life is sometimes ironic”…….you doesn’t get what you hope for instead you get the worst. How can be life so cruel and rude? Why they say love is forever when nothing remains permanent and constant. Why we experience heartaches and pains when your only goal is to unconditionally love someone………

………………….Now tell me……should I still believe in fairytales?????????????Till when will I want??????????????????WHERE IS MY HAPPY ENDING???????????